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Psiquiatría y violencia

Drogas Psiquiátricas:
Creando Violencia Y Suicidio
Un informe de interés público publicado por Comisión de Ciudadanos por los Derechos Humanos Internacional traducido del Inglés al Español por Luis de Miguel Ortega.
Mientras aumentan los actos violentos el sistema legal y de justicia debería mirar a un común denominador.
Aunque puede haber numerosas razones para el asesinato en masa, el crimen violento y el suicidio, y se proponen gran número de soluciones para frenarlo y se vierte y financia su prevención, los actos de violencia sin sentido continúan sin cesar, con más de 80 muertos y 500 heridos entre el concierto de Las Vegas del 1 de octubre de 2017 y el tiroteo en la iglesia de Texas en 5 de noviembre de 2017 solo.
Entonces ocurre el tiroteo en la escuela de Parkland, Florida el 14 de febrero de 2018, que dejó 17 muertos y unos 15 heridos. Los expertos de los medios de comunicación dicen que dichas personas están "mentalmente perturbadas" o tienen "Enfermedad mental no tratada", pero eso no explica el nivel de violencia que estamos viendo o qué impulsa a una persona a apretar un gatillo o chocar intencionalmente un avión, matando a todos los 150 pasajeros que hay a bordo. Los hechos nos ofrecen una inquietante imagen.
Una revisión de la literatura científica publicada en “Ética Humana, Psicología y Psiquiatría” con respecto a la "tasa asombrosa" de enfermedad mental en los últimos 50 años, reveló que no es una "enfermedad mental" lo que causa problema; más bien, son las drogas psiquiátricas que se prescriben para tratarlas. El trastorno mental no es un predictor de comportamiento agresivo, pero sí los efectos adversos de los medicamentos recetados para tratar eso, cualquiera que sea la evaluación psiquiátrica.

"El Tratamiento", del adolescente acusado por la masacre escolar de Parkland, no pudo predecir ni prevenir el comportamiento ni su estado mental problemático potencialmente exacerbado.
Desde la introducción de medicamentos antipsicóticos en 1955 y los nuevos Antidepresivos Inhibidores Selectivos de la Recaptación de la Serotonina (ISRS), como el Prozac, en 1987, se ha documentado en ambos casos la vinculación de éstos a comportamientos violentos en un porcentaje de la personas que los toman.
Los defensores de las drogas argumentan que hay muchos tiroteos y actos de violencia que no tienen correlación con medicamentos psiquiátricos (psicotrópico), pero ese es exactamente el punto. Porque eso ni ha sido confirmado ni refutado, puesto que en la aplicación de la ley, no se obliga a investigar o informar sobre medicamentos prescritos vinculados a hechos violentos, y los medios rara vez plantean la pregunta.
De 409 advertencias oficiales de drogas psiquiátricas:
  • 49 han advertido de autolesiones, suicidio o ideación suicida 
  • 27 han advertido de violencia, manía, psicosis, hostilidad, agresión o ideación homicida 
  • 35 están vinculados a problemas emocionales por medicamentos  
  • 43 advierten de muerte o mayor riesgo de muerte 
  • 17 advierten de adicción o efectos de retirada (abstinencia)

Drogas psicotrópicas asociadas con las tasas más altas de la violencia en comparación con otras drogas
Los antidepresivos incluyen:

  • Fluoxetina (Prozac) 10.9 veces
  • Paroxetina (Paxil) 10.3 veces
  • Fluvoxamina (Luvox) 8.4 veces
  • Venlafaxina (Effexor) 8.3 veces
  • Desvenlafaxine (Pristiq) 7.9 veces
  • Sertralina (Zoloft) 6.7 veces
Estimulantes (para TDAH):
  • Anfetaminas 9.6 veces
  • Atomoxetine (Strattera) 9 veces
  • Triazolam (Halcion) 8.7 veces
Los efectos de retirada de los antidepresivos son el nº1 de los efectos adversos.
Una persona que "deja de tomar su medicación" no es la fuente de actos violentos, pero probablemente los efectos de la abstinencia de una droga de dependencia sí. Los efectos del retiro son comunes en antidepresivos y otras drogas psiquiátricas que incluyen estado de ánimo alterado, irritabilidad y concentración alterada que puede durar meses o incluso años.
  • Síndrome de abstinencia de drogas, 12.64%
  • Náuseas, 12.05%
  • Mareos, 11.23%
  • Inactividad de fármacos, 11.10%
  • Ansiedad, 9.89%
  • Dolor de cabeza, 9.18%
  • Insomnio, 9.15%
  • Depresión, 9.04%
  • Ideación suicida, 8.04%
  • Exposición a drogas durante Embarazo, 7.68%

Joseph Wesbecker
8 muertos,
12 heridos
Aaron Alexis
13 muertos,
8 heridos
Ivan Lopez
Ambien, antidepresivos
4 muertos
16 heridos
Troy Bellar
4 muertos,

Bradley Stone
Trazadone, risperidona
7 muertos

Arcan Cetin
5 muertos

Elliot Rodger
Xanax y Vicodin
6 muertos
13 heridos
James Holmes
Sertralina y clonazepam
12 muertos,
70 heridos

Robert Stewart
Lexapro, Xanax, Ambien
8 muertos,
3 heridos

Matti Saari
Xanax y SSRI
11 muertos,
1 herido
Andreas Lubitz Piloto
Antidepresivo, lorazepam
150 muertos

Scott DeKraai
Antidepresivo y estabilizador
8 muertos,
1 heridos

Jose Reyes
1 muerto
2 heridos
Jeff Weise
10 muertos
7 heridos
Eric Harris
15 muertos
23 heridos
Kip Kinkel
Ritalin y Prozac
4 muertos
25 heridos

Elizabeth Bush

1 herido

T.J. Salomón

6 heridos

Cory Baadsgaard

23 rehenes
Intento suicidio
Asa Coon

4 heridos
Oliver Funes Machada
4 Fármacos psiquiátricos
Madre decapita

Robert Hawkins
9 muertos,
5 heridos
John Odgren
1 muerto

Kip Kinkel
Ritalin y Prozac
4 muertos
25 heridos

Elizabeth Bush

1 herido

T.J. Salomón

6 heridos

Ali David Sonboly
"ansiedad social" y depresión
9 muertos
35 heridos

Referencias 1
1 “Anatomy of an Epidemic: Psychiatric Drugs and the Astonishing Rise of Mental Illness in America,” Ethical Human Psychology and Psychiatry, Volume 7, No. I, Spring 2005,
3 Patrick D. Hahn, “Antidepressants: a deadly treatment?” Baltimore Sun, 11 Apr. 2015,
4 John Horgan, “What ‘60 Minutes’ Gets Wrong in Report on Mental Illness and Violence,” Scientific American, 2 Oct. 2013,
5 John Horgan, “Did Antidepressant Play a Role in Navy Yard Massacre?” Scientific American, 20 Sept. 2013,
6 Sarah Boseley, “Prozac class drug blamed for killing,” The Guardian (London), 2 May 2001,
7 Jim Rosack, “SSRIs Called on Carpet Over Violence Claims,”Psychiatric News, Vol. 36, No. 19, 5 Oct. 2001.
8 Ibid.; David Healy, Andrew Herxheimer, and David B. Menkes,“Antidepressants and Violence: Problems at the Interface of Medicine and Law,” PLoS Medicine, Sept. 2006, 3(9): e372,
9 Ibid., David Healy, et al, “Antidepressants and Violence.”
10 Ibid.
11 “Psychiatric Medications Kill More Americans than Heroin,”, 5 Jan. 2016, citing: MEPS (Medical Expenditure Panel Survey) database,
12 IMS, Vector One: National (VONA) and Total Patient Tracker (TPT)Database, Year 2013, Extracted Apr. 2014,
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14 Sally C. Curtin, M.A., Margaret Warner, Ph.D., and Holly Hedegaard, M.D., M.S.P.H., “Increase in Suicide in the United States, 1999-2014,” NCHS Data Brief No. 241, Apr. 2016,
15 “Medicines Use and Spending in the US: A Review of 2015 and Outlook for 2020,” IMS Institute, page 41,
16 Kelly P. O’Meara, “Guns & Doses—Drugging Children,” Insight Magazine, Vol. 15, No. 24, 28 Jun 1999.
17 Kelly P. O’Meara, “A Di.erent Kind of Drug War,” Insight Magazine, 13 Dec. 1999.
18 Op. cit., David Healy, et al., “Antidepressants and Violence.”
19 Je. German and Anita Hassan, “Las Vegas shooter’s autopsy gives no clues,” Las Vegas Review Journal, 9 Feb. 2018,
20 Paul Harasim, “Las Vegas Strip shooter prescribed anti-anxiety drug in June,” Las Vegas Review Journal, 3 Oct. 2017,
21 Scott Glover and Kyung Lah, “Exclusive: Vegas killer described his unusual habits in 2013 testimony,” CNN, 9 Oct. 2017,
22 C. Heather Ashton, DM, FRCP, “Benzodiazepines: How They Work and How to Withdraw,” Institute of Neuroscience, Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne, 2002,
23 Op. cit., Scott Glover and Kyung Lah, CNN.
24 Melissa Chan, “Texas Church Shooter Contacted His Father Before He Died, O.icials Say,” TIME, 6 Nov. 2017,
25 “Texas church shooter Devin Patrick Kelley served in Air Force, was court-martialed for assaulting wife, child,” Fox News, 6 Nov. 2017,
26 “EXCLUSIVE: ‘He was like a brother to me... how could he be capable of such evil': Texas church shooter's teenage best friend tells how he cut all ties when Kelley was convicted of domestic abuse,” Daily Mail, 7 Nov. 2017,
27 “Church gunman escaped from mental hospital in 2012,” KHOU, 7 Nov. 2017,;
Texas church shooter previously escaped mental health institution while facing military charges,” WFAA, 7 Nov. 2017,
28 Mario Diaz, Cathy Tatom, Aaron Wische, “Sutherland Springs church shooter escaped mental health facility months after attack on wife, child; Ex-facility o.icial says Kelley made death threats and tried to buy weapons,” (KPRC, NBC Channel 2),
29 “New Warnings Urged for ADHD Drugs,” WebMD, 23 Mar. 2006,
30 “Patient Online Report of Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor-Induced Persistent Post-withdrawal Anxiety and Mood Disorders,” Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, 19 Jan. 2012,
31 Beth DeFalco and Howard Pankratz, “Killer's autopsy file unsealed,” Denver Post, 5 Jun. 1999,;
32 Arianna Hu.ington, “Antidepressants—As Dangerous as Guns?” The New York Post, 8 May 1999.
33 Ole J. Thienhaus, M.D., M.B.A., Melissa Piasecki, M.D. “Assessment of Psychiatric Patients’ Risk of Violence toward Others,” Emergency Psychiatry, Sept. 1998, Vol. 49, No. 9.
34 Catriona White, “My son, the mass murderer,” BBC, 27 Jul. 2017,
35 Ibid.
36 “Movement Disorders Induced by Antipsychotic Drugs: Implications of the CATIE Schizophrenia Trial,” Neurol Clin, Feb. 2011, 29(1): 127–viii,
37 Ty C. Colbert, Rape of the Soul, How the Chemical Imbalance Model of Modern Psychiatry has Failed its Patients, (Kevco Publishing, California, 2001), p.106.
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40 “Tardive dyskinesia,” MedlinePlus, article/000685.htm; “What Is Tardive Dyskinesia?” WebMD,
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45 “Detailed View: Safety Labeling Changes Approved By FDA Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER) — November 2005,” U.S. Food and Drug Administration, Nov. 2005.
46 Thomas J. Moore, Joseph Glenmullen, Curt D. Furbert, "Prescription Drugs Associated with Reports of Violence Towards Others," Public Library of Science ONE, Vol. 5, Iss. 12, Dec. 2010,
47 Ibid.
48 Ibid.
49 David Kirschner, Ph.D, “Mass shooters received only limited treatment,” The National Psychologist, 26 Jul. 2017,
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52 “Eric Holder: Number of mass shootings triple,” Associated Press, 21 Oct. 2013,
55 “FDA Mulls Antidepressant Warnings,” Daily Press, 21 Mar. 2004,
56 “It’s the Drugs, Stupid! Prescription Psychotropic Drugs Cause Brain Injury,” Global Research News, 19 Feb. 2014,
57 “Patient Online Report of Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor-Induced Persistent Post-withdrawal Anxiety and Mood Disorders,” Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, 19 Jan. 2012,
58 “Withdrawal from psychiatric drugs can be disabling and can cause a range of severe physical and psychological e.ects….” Council for Evidence-Based Psychiatry, 15 Mar. 2014,
59 Ibid.
60 Joanna Moncrief, M.B.B.S., David Cohen and Sally Porter, “The Psychoactive E.ects of Psychiatric Medication: The Elephant in the Room,” J Psychoactive Drugs, Nov. 2013; 45(5): 409–415,
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62 Matt Crenson, “Antidepressants Prove Addictive to Some,” Washington Post, 6 Aug. 2006,
63 Prof. C. Heather Ashton, DM, FRCP, “Benzodiazepines: How They Work and How to Withdraw,” Institute of Neuroscience, Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne, 2002,
64 Prof. C. Heather Ashton, “Protracted Withdrawal from Benzodiazepines,” Comprehensive Handbook of Drug & Alcohol Addiction, 2004,
65 John M. Grohol, “Withdrawal from Psychiatric Meds Can Be Painful, Lengthy,” Psych Central, 13 Feb. 2013,
66 Jose Pagliery and Curt Devine, “School shooter showed violence and mental instability at home, police reports reveal,” CNN, 17 Feb. 2018,; Brianna Sacks, “Authorities Were Called to Alleged Florida School Shooter Nikolas Cruz’s House More Than 35 Times,” BuzzFeed News, 16 Feb. 2018,
67 Joseph J. Cocozza and Henry J. Steadman, “The Failure of Psychiatric Predictions of Dangerousness: Clear and Convincing Evidence,” Rutgers Law Review, Vol. 29, No. 5, Late Summer 1976, pp. 1099-1100.
69 Op. cit., Joseph J. Cocozza and Henry J. Steadman.
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72 Shelley Jofre, “THE BATMAN KILLER—PRESCRIPTION FOR MURDER?” BBC, 26 Jul. 2017, aurora_shooting.
73 Ibid.
74 Ibid.
75 Op. cit., Catriona White.
76 Scott A. Bonn, Ph.D, “The Real Life Horror Tale of the Twisted ‘Co-ed Killer,’” 17 Mar. 2014,;
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79 Ibid.
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82 Gwendolyn Waters, “Social Media and Law Enforcement,” Law Enforcement Bulletin, 1 Nov. 2012,
83 “Understand the Dangers of Being a Police O.icer,” The Balance, 24 Feb. 2017,
84 Amy C. Watson, Melissa Schaefer Morabito, Je.rey Draine, and Victor Ottati, “Improving police response to persons with mental illness: A Multi-level conceptualization of CIT,” Int J Law Psychiatry, 2008, 31(4): 359–368,,
85 “North Carolina man ‘felt like’ killing mother in decapitation case, court records say,” Associated Press, 8 Mar. 2017,
86 “FBI Releases 2016 Preliminary Statistics for Law Enforcement O.icers Killed in the Line of Duty,” FBI National Press, 15 May 2017,
87 Ann Blake Tracy, “Suicide & Death Can Lurk in Each SSRI Pill,”,
88 “Experts: 'Suicide by cop' cases are hard to prevent,” The San Diego Tribune, 8 May 2017, news/public-safety/ sd-me-suicide-by-cop-20170508-story.html.
89 “Man seeking ‘suicide by cop’ found guilty of assault,” The Spokane-Review, 11 Feb. 2016,
2016/feb/11/man-who- encouraged-spokane-police-to-shoot-him-fou/;Je. Humphrey, “Army vet gets nine years for suicide by cop attempt,”
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90 “Spokane judge reluctantly sentences man to long prison term,” The Spokane-Review, 3 Mar. 2016,
91 Op. cit., Je. Humphrey.
92 Kelly Brogin, M.D. “What’s the Harm in Taking an Antidepressant?”
93 Lori Fullbright, “Man Shot By Tulsa Police Reportedly Attempted 'Suicide By Cop,’” News On 6, 5 Nov. 2014,
94 “World needs ‘revolution’ in mental health care—UN rights expert,”Ofice of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights,
95 “From Privileges to Rights: People Labeled with Psychiatric Disabilities Speak for Themselves,” National Council on Disability, 20 Jan. 2000,
96 Thomas Dorman, “Toxic Psychiatry,” Thomas Dorman’s website, 29
97 Lorrin M. Koran, Medical Evaluation Field Manual, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Stanford University Medical Center, California, Prepared for the California Department of Mental Health, 1991, p. 4.
98 Mary Ann Block, No More ADHD, (Block System, Texas, 2001) pp.19-20.
99 Op. cit., “It’s the Drugs, Stupid! Prescription Psychotropic Drugs Cause Brain Injury.”.
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3 Peter C Gøtzsche et al.., “Suicidality and aggression during antidepressant treatment: systematic review and meta-analyses based on clinical study reports,” BMJ, 2016; 352, Published 27 Jan. 2016,
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7 Ibid.
8 Cari Nierenberg , “Killer Drugs? Homicide Risk Linked to Medications,” Live Science, 1 Jun. 2015,
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13 John Horgan, “Did Antidepressant Play a Role in Navy Yard Massacre?” Scientific American, 20 Sept. 2013,
14 Ibid.
15 Ibid.
16 “Atypical Antipsychotic Medications: Use In Adults,” Dept. Health and Human Services, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, Aug. 2013, p. 4,
17 Nadège Rouve, Haleh Bagheri, et al., "Prescribed drugs and violence: a case/noncase study in the French PharmacoVigilance Database,” European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 7 Jun. 2011,
18 Elisabetta Patorno, et al., "Anticonvulsant Medications and the Risk of Suicide, Attempted Suicide, or Violent Death," Journal of the American Medical Association, Vol. 303, No. 14, 14 Apr. 2010,
19 Thomas J. Moore, Joseph Glenmullen, Curt D. Furbert, "Prescription Drugs Associated with Reports of Violence Towards Others," Public Library of Science ONE, Vol. 5, Iss. 12, Dec. 2010,
20 Maia Szalavitz, “Top Ten Legal Drugs Linked to Violence,” TIME, 7 Jan. 2011,
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22 Andrew D. Mosholder, MD, MPH, et al., "Hallucinations and Other Psychotic Symptoms Associated with the Use of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Drugs in Children," Pediatrics, Vol. 123, No. 2, pp. 611-616, Feb. 2009.
23 Kate Jaimet, “‘I’ve learned a lesson in the worst way possible’: What drove a loving father to kill his son?” Ottawa Citizen, 27 Aug. 2006.
24 Mark Olfson, MD, MPH; Steven C. Marcus, PhD; David, MD, “Antidepressant Drug Therapy and Suicide in Severely Depressed Children and Adults,” The Archives of General Psychiatry, Vol. 63, Aug. 2006, pp. 865-872.
25 David Healy, Andrew Herxheimer, David B. Menkes, “Antidepressants and Violence: Problems at the Interface of Medicine and Law.” PLoS Medicine, Sept. 2006, Vol 3, Issue 9.
26 “European Medicines Agency finalizes review of antidepressants in children and adolescents,” European Medicines Agency press release,
25 Apr. 2005,
27 Ivar Aursnes, Ingunn Fride Tvete, Jorund Gassenyrm Bent Natvig, “Suicide attempts in clinical trials with paroxetine randomized against placebo,” BMC Medicine, 3:14, 22 Aug. 2005,
28 Thomas J. Moore, "Antidepressant Drugs and Suicidal/Aggressive Behaviors," Drug Safety Research - Special Report, Washington, D.C., 26 Jan. 2004,
29 “Worsening Depression and Suicidality in Patients Being Treated with Antidepressants Medications,” US Food and Drug Administration Public Health Advisory, 22 Mar. 2004.
31 Theodore A. Henderson, M.D., Ph.D. and Keith Hartman, M.D., "Aggression, Mania, and Hypomania Induction Associated with Atomoxetine," Pediatrics, Vol. 114, No. 3, Sept. 2004.
32 Adrian Preda, M.D., et al.., "Antidepressant-Associated Mania and Psychosis Resulting in Psychiatric Admissions," Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, Vol. 62, No. 1, Jan. 2001.
33 Anna Maria Daderman, “Flunitrazepam and violence—psychiatric and legal issues,” Department of Clinical Neuroscience, Occupational Therapy and Elderly Care, Research Division of Forensic Psychiatry, Karolinska Institute, Sweden, 2000, p. 43.
34 Remeron (mirtazapine) Tablets, Drug Label, Merck & Co., Whitehouse Station, NJ, Copyright 1996.
35 Joseph Glenmullen, MD, The Antidepressant Solution: A Step-By Step Guide to Safely Overcoming Antidepressant Withdrawal, Dependence and ‘Addiction (Simon and Schuster, Inc., New York), 2005, p. 35.
36 Lauren Cox, “Tranquilizer Detox Withdrawal Can Last Years,” ABC News Medical Unit, 1 Dec. 2008,
37 Carlotta Belaise, Alessia Gatti, Virginie-Anne Chouinard, Guy Chouinard, “Patient Online Report of Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor-Induced Persistent Post-withdrawal Anxiety and Mood Disorders,” Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, Psychother Psychosom 2012;81:386–388; DOI: 10.1159/000341178.
38 Christopher Lane, Ph.D., “Antidepressant Withdrawal Syndrome,” Psychology Today, 17 Jul. 2011, blog/side-e.ects/201107/ antidepressant-withdrawal-syndrome.
39 Op. cit. David Healy, Andrew Herxheimer, David B. Menkes.
40 Joseph Glenmullen, M.D., Prozac Backlash, (Simon & Schuster, NY, 2000), p.72.
41 J. Zajecka, K. Tracy, and S. Mitchell, “Discontinuation Symptoms after Treatment with Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors: A Literature Review,” Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, Vol. 58, July 1997, pp. 291-7,
42 “Acute Drug Withdrawal,” PreMeC Medicines Information Bulletin, Aug. 1996,
43 M. Bloch, S. V. Stager, A.R. Braun and D. R. Rainbow, "Severe Psychiatric Symptoms Associated with Paroxetine Withdrawal,” The Lancet, Vol. 346, 1 Jul. 1995.
44 Craig McLaughlin, “The Perils of Prozac,” The San Francisco Bay Guardian, 16 May 1990; Op. cit. David Healy, Andrew Herxheimer, David B. Menkes.
45 Jamie Reno, “‘Medicating Our Troops Into Oblivion’: Prescription Drugs Said To Be Endangering U.S. Soldiers,” International Business Times, 19 Apr. 2014,
46 Paul John Scott, “The Military's Billion-Dollar Pill Problem,” Men’s Journal, Dec. 2012,
47 Aamer Madhani, “Critics at war with military justice,” Chicago Tribune, 20 Jan. 2008,; Tony Perry, “Marine avoids prison in slaying,” Los Angeles Times, 15 Dec. 2007,
48 Rick Rogers, “Lawyers: Marine was being treated,” San Diego Union-Tribune, 1 Nov. 2007, 1m1holmes.html.
49 Karen Hensel, “Soldier faces international scrutiny, death penalty,” WISH TV, 22 Feb. 2011.
50 Rick Jervis, “‘American Sniper’ killer found guilty in murders,” USA Today, 24 Feb. 2015,
51 Mike Spies, “Inside the Tortured Mind of Eddie Ray Routh, the Man Who Killed American Sniper Chris Kyle,” Newsweek, 23 Nov. 2015,
52 Trip Gabriel, Joseph Goldstein and Michael S. Schmidt, “Suspect’s Past Fell Just Short of Raising Alarm,” The New York Times, 17 Sept. 2013,
12 Victims Killed, 8 Wounded in Shooting at D.C. Navy Yard, Suspected Gunman Killed,” NBC4 Washington, 17 Sep. 2013,
53 David Montgomery, Manny Fernandez and Timothy Williams, “Fort Hood Gunman Was Being Treated for Depression,” The New York Times, 3 Apr 2014,; Ben Brumfield, Tom Watkins and Josh Rubin, “Fort Hood shooting spree: 'Texans' hearts are once again very heavy,'” CNN, 3 Apr. 2014,
54 Jacqueline Klimas, “Bradley Stone cleared by Veterans A.airs doctor one week before murders, suicide,” The Washington Times, 17 Dec. 2014,; Dan Stamm and Vince Lattanzio, “Montgomery County Spree Killer Bradley Stone Dies of Drug Overdose: ME,” NBC 10 Philadelphia, 24 Dec. 2014,; Ralph Ellis, Susan Candiotti and Ashley Fantz, “Police in Pa. search for man suspected of killing ex-wife, 5 former in-laws,” CNN, 15 Dec. 2014,
55 Steve Visser, “Baton Rouge shooting: 3 o.icers dead; shooter was Missouri man, sources say,” CNN, 18 Jul. 2016,; Joshua Berlinger and JasonHanna, “Gavin Long said he su.ered from PTSD, source tells CNN,” CNN, 20 Jul. 2016,
56 “North Carolina man 'felt like' killing mother in decapitation case, court records say,” Associated Press, 8 Mar. 2017, decapitation_case_suspect_says.html; Mark Price, “NC teen told 911 dispatcher he beheaded his mother ‘because I felt like it,’” The Charlotte Observer, 8 Mar. 2017,
57 “A.idavit: UT stabbing suspect says he doesn't remember attack,” ABC13 News, 3 May 2017, remember-attack/1950054/; Calily Bien, “What we know about the University of Texas stabbing suspect,” KXAN, 1 May 2017,
58 “Who Was Stephen Paddock? The Mystery of a Nondescript ‘Numbers Guy,’” The New York Times, 7 Oct. 2017,
59 Paul Harasim, “Las Vegas Strip shooter prescribed anti-anxiety drug in June,” Las Vegas Review Journal, 3 Oct. 2017,
60 Scott Glover and Kyung Lah, “Exclusive: Vegas killer described his unusual habits in 2013 testimony,” CNN, 9 Oct. 2017,
Je. German and Anita Hassan, “Las Vegas shooter’s autopsy gives no clues,” Las Vegas Review Journal, 9 Feb. 2018,
61 C. Heather Ashton, DM, FRCP, “Benzodiazepines: How They Work and How to Withdraw,” Institute of Neuroscience, Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne, 2002,
62 Melissa Chan, “Texas Church Shooter Contacted His Father Before He Died, O.icials Say,” TIME, 6 Nov. 2017,; Emanuella Grinberg and Eliott C. McLaughlin, “Devin Kelley: Texas church shooter's troubled past emerges,” CNN, 8 Nov. 2017,
63 “Texas church shooter Devin Patrick Kelley served in Air Force, was court-martialed for assaulting wife, child,” Fox News, 6 Nov. 2017,
64 “EXCLUSIVE: 'He was like a brother to me... how could he be capable of such evil': Texas church shooter's teenage best friend tells how he cut all ties when Kelley was convicted of domestic abuse,” Daily Mail, 7 Nov. 2017,
65 “Church gunman escaped from mental hospital in 2012,” KHOU, 7 Nov. 2017,; “Texas church shooter previously escaped mental health institution while facing military charges,” WFAA, 7 Nov. 2017,
66 Tim Hume, “Munich gunman planned attack for a year, o.icial say,” CNN, 24 July 2016,; Jamie Grierson, Emma Graham-Harrison and Kate Connolly, and Janek Schmidt, “Munich gunman lured victims on Facebook with 'free McDonald's food,'” The Guardian, 23 Jul. 2016,
67 Andrew Blankstein and Corky Siemaszko, “Arcan Cetin, Accused Cascade Mall Shooter, Faces Five Counts of Murder,” NBC News, 27 Sept. 2016,; “Hospital tried to commit suspected Cascade Mall shooter,” King 5, 27 Sept. 2016,; Jessie Stensland, “Treatment, supervision didn’t stop alleged shooter with a troubled past,” Whidbey News-Times, 1 Oct. 2016,
68 Elizabeth Whitman, “What Drugs Was Andreas Lubitz On? Lorazepam, Antidepressants Could Have Afected Germanwings Pilot,” International Business Times, 2 Apr. 2015,
69 “Everything Known About Charleston Church Shooting Suspect Dylann Roof,” Daily Beast, 20 Jun. 2015,; “Dylann Roof Confesses” WND, 19 Jun. 2015,
70 Jay Croft and Tristan Smith,“Dylann Roof pleads guilty to state charges in church massacre,” CNN, 10 Apr. 2017,
71 Elliot Rodger, “My Twisted World – The Story of Elliot Rodger,” p. 133,; Oren Dorell and William M. Welch, “Police identify Calif. shooting suspect as Elliot Rodger,” USA Today, 24 May 2014, story/news/usanow/2014/05/24/shooting-california-santa-barbara/9532405/.
72 Lydia Warren and Will Payne and Dan Bloom, “Virgin killer Elliot Rodger's 'Xanax addiction made him withdrawn and anxious in days before his murderous rampage,'” The Daily Mail, 4 Jun. 2014,
73 Jack Simpson, “Seattle Pacific University shooting: Gunman says he ’wanted to kill many more,’ The Independent, 9 Jun. 2014,
; “Suspect in Seattle Pacific killing had well-documented demons,” The Seattle Times, 6 June 2014,
Steve Miletich, et al.., “Report: SPU suspect ‘wanted to hurt himself and others’ in 2010,” The Seattle Times, 6 June 2014,
74 Michael LaForgia, “FSU shooter's friends tried to get help for him months before the shooting,” Miami Herald, 22 Nov. 2014,
; Jordan Culver, Byron Dobson and Jim Henry, "Shooter identified as Florida State alum Myron May," Tallahassee Democrat, 21 Nov. 2014,
Jacqueline Ingles, "Family of Myron May say the suspected FSU shooter planned on cooking Thanksgiving dinner," ABC News, 21 Nov. 2014.
75 Jim Salter, “Sean Johnson Charged With Assault In Stevens Institute Of Business And Arts In St. Louis Shooting,” Huffington Post, 16 Jan.2013,
76 “Police: Nevada school shooter said he was teased,” The Washington Post, 13 May 2014,; “Nevada school shooter left 2suicide notes,” USA Today, 13 May 2014,;
Martin Gri.ith and Scott Sonner, "Jose Reyes, Nevada School Shooter, Was Typical Kid, Not Loner," Hu.ington Post, 13 May 2014,
77 “Special Report: Western Psych shootings followed volatile years for John Shick.” Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, 18 Mar. 2012,
"DA Takes Closer Look At Western Psych Shooting Spree," CBS Pittsburgh, 12 Apr. 2012,; "John Shick, Psychiatric 'Shooter,' Had Mental Health History; Pittsburgh Cops Seek Motive," Huffington Post, 13 Mar. 2012,
; Margaret Harding and Bobby Kerlick, "UPMC probed in Western Psychiatric Institute shooting rampage," Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, 29 Mar. 2012.
78 Maria L. La Ganga, “What will Dr. Lynne Fenton say about her former patient James Holmes?” Los Angeles Times, 4 Jun. 2015,
"Timeline of Events Leading to James Holmes' Guilty Verdicts," ABC News, 16 Jul. 2015.
79 Catriona White, “My son, the mass murderer,” BBC, 27 Jul. 2017,
80 “Theater shooter Holmes gets 12 life sentences, plus 3,318 years,” CNN, 27 Aug. 2017,
81 Danielle Salisbury, "Michael Hamilton sentenced to life in prison for shooting to death Robert Marcyan," MLive, 4 Dec. 2013,; Danielle Salisbury, "Doctor prescribed Michael Hamilton Adderall, increased dosage; prosecution suggests prescription overuse," MLive, 9 Oct. 2013,; Danielle Salisbury, "Michael Hamilton, 33, arraigned on open murder charge in death of man on Wamplers Heights Drive," MLive, 11 Sep. 2012,; Danielle Salisbury, "Jury finds Michael Hamilton guilty of first-degree murder, rejects insanity argument," MLive, 21 Oct. 2013,; Danielle Salisbury, "'He was smiling at me, pulling the trigger' brother of slain man testifies at preliminary examination," MLive, 15 Jan. 2013,
82 Harriet McLeod, “South Carolina teen faces adult charges for school attack,” Reuters, 18 Mar. 2011,; Joel Allen, “Students welcome O.icer Karney back to Socastee High,”, 28 Sept. 2010,
83 “OC DA Expects Seal Beach Shooter to Use Insanity Defense,”, 14 Oct. 2011,; “Ex-wife feared Seal Beach suspect asunbalanced,” CBS News, 14 Oct. 2011,
John Gregory, Greg Lee "Scott Dekraai sentenced to 8 consecutive life terms for 2011 OC mass "killing," ABC7, 22 Sep. 2017.
84 Joel Moreno, “Doctors amazed that Snohomish girl survived knife attack,”, 28 Oct. 2011, 132829548.html;
Diana Hefley, “Snohomish stabbing victims allegedly chosen at random; charges due Wednesday,”, 25 Oct. 2011,; Diana Hefley, “Suspect in stabbings at Snohomish school continues to talk about violent, disturbing acts,”, 1 Mar. 2012,
20120301/NEWS01/703019923; Christine Clarridge, "Girl charged instabbing previously suspended from Snohomish High," The Seattle Times, 26 Oct. 2011,
girl-charged-in-stabbing-previously-suspended-from-snohomish-high/.85 John de Leon, "Girl, 15, pleads guilty to stabbing at Snohomish High," The Seattle Times, 7 Mar. 2012,
86 “Court Documents Reveal More about Shooting Suspect Hammad Memon,”, 11 Jul. 2011,
87 Carol Anne Hunt, “Teenager holds school children hostage in France,”, 13 Dec. 2010,
88 "Defense: Stewart doesn't remember nursing home shooting,", 1 Aug. 2011,
; "Robert Kenneth STEWART, The Carthage nursing home shooting," Murderpedia, the encyclopedia of murderers,
89 Gina Gallucci-White, “Seven drugs found in Christopher Wood's system at time of murder-suicide,” The Frederick News-Post, 24 Jun. 2009,
90 Debbie Ingram, "Friends, neighbors search for answers after o.icer's death," Dothan Eagle, 26 Apr. 2009, news/friends-neighbors-search-for-answers-after-o.icer-s-death/articl e_eb3d1aa1-5975-543c-bc33-bd18b06d0e09.html.
91 “Son escapes gunfire as Troy Ryan Bellar kills wife, two other sons, and then self in Florida,” Daily News, 4 May 2009, news/dad-says-son-appeared-normal-before-polk-murder-suicide-92088.
92 Troy Ryan Bellar Autopsy Protocol, of the District Medical Examiner, 10th Judicial Circuit of Florida, 5 May 2009.
93 Jim Molony, "Robles pleads guilty to killing Pasadena police o.icer," Houston Chronicle, 12 May 2011,; Renee C. Lee, “Man accused of killing cop had sued over brutality,” Houston Chronicle, 24 Aug. 2009,
neighborhood/pasadena-news/article/Man-accused-of-killing-cop-had-sued-over-brutality-1747727.php; Richard Connelly, "Sergio Robles: Cop-Killer Gets 40 Years in Plea Deal," Houston Press, 12 May 2011,; Jessica Willey, “O.icer Responding to Call Fatally Shot,” ABC 13 News, 22 Aug. 2009,; "Accused Cop Killer Now in Jail," ABC 13 News, 16 Sep. 2009,
94 “Report of the 14 Feb. 2008 Shootings at Northern Illinois University,” NIU,; “Girlfriend: Shooter was taking cocktail of 3 drugs,” CNN, 20 Feb. 2008, girlfriend/index.html; Dave Newbart, “NIU shooter had trace amounts of drugs in system,” The Chicago Sun-Times, 15 Mar. 2008,
95 Pablo Lopez, “Autopsy report suggests teen wasn't taking meds properly,” The Fresno Bee, 16 May 2008,; “Relatives Say School Failed to Help Depressed Fresno Student Killed By Police,” Fox News, 17 Apr. 2008,,2933,351661,00.html.
96 Shaila Dewan, Steve Barnes, “Gunman Kills Democratic O.icial in Arkansas,” The New York Times, 13 Aug. 2008, us/14arkansas.html; "Ark. Police close probe in Democratic killing,", 20 Nov. 2008; Seth Blomeley, "Hundreds remember Gwatney at funeral," Network54 SSRI Discussion Forum, 19 Aug. 2008, Forum/281849/thread/1219995039/Adderall+Abuse+is+at+an+all+time+high+-+in+the+adult+population; "Probes find no motive foro.icial’s death," The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, 21 Nov. 2008,; Warren Watkins, "Evidence suggests planned shooting," The Daily Citizen, 14 Aug. 2008.
97 "Probes find no motive for o.icial’s death," The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, 21 Nov. 2008, content/news/stories/2008/11/21/ shooting.html.
98 Nick Allen, “Finland school shooting: Gunman Matti Saari made phone call during slaughter,” The Telegraph, 26 Sept. 2008,; “Kauhajoki School Shooting on 23 Sept. 2008,” Report of the Investigation Commission, Translation of the Finnish original report,
99 “Odgren's father says son didn't remember attack,” Worcester Telegram & Gazette, 21 Apr. 2010, 100429941/1116.
100 Scott Stephens and Rachel Dissell, “Who was Asa Coon?”, 10 Oct. 2007,; Christopher Maag, “Short butTroubled Life Ended in Shooting and Suicide,” The New York Times, 12 Oct. 2007,
101 Diana ben-Aaron and Juho Erkheikki, “Finland Declares Day of Mourning After School Murders,” Bloomberg, 8 Nov. 2007; “Jokela gunman said he used antidepressants,” Helsingin Sanomat, International Edition, 9 Nov. 2007.
102 “Ex-Student Sentenced For Attacks On Campus,” Tyler Morning
Telegraph, 28 Feb. 2008,
103 “Police: Nine killed in shooting at Omaha mall, including gunman,”
CNN, 6 Dec. 2007,
104 “Autopsy Shows Valium Only Drug in Omaha Mall Gunman's
System,” Fox News, 1 Jan. 2008,
105 “Accused school shooter's mother, sister testify,”, 11 Aug.
106 ROBERSON v. STATE, 900 N.E.2d 446 (2009), No.
40A01-0711-CR-500, Court of Appeals of Indiana, 29 Jan. 2009, 01290902cjb.pdf;
Authorities: Teen’s Knife Attack At School Was Planned,” The Indy
Channel, 5 Dec. 2006,
107 “Canadian man who killed son while taking anti-depressants lobbies for freedom of U.S. dad who killed twins,” National Post (Canada), 22 Oct. 2012,;
Ed Jones, “How could I forgive a killer?” Charlotte Observer, 20 Jan. 2008,
108 Daphne Bramham, “Teen gunman given Prozac for depression,” Vancouver Sun 1 Apr. 2005; P.J. Hu.stutter, “2nd Teen Is Linked to School Shooting,” Los Angeles Times, 29 Mar. 2005, nation/na-redlake29.
109 Petition for Post-Conviction Relief, Kenneth Bartley v State of Tennessee, 18 Oct. 2010, pp. 5-7.
110 Bob Gardinier, “Legal doorway closes for Columbia gunman; Judges say high school shooter gave up right of appeal in plea deal,” The Times Union, 2 Nov. 2007.
111 Lisa Goldberg, “Trial due to start in teen's poisoning,” The Baltimore Sun, 9 May 2004, furlough-insanity-plea-cyanide.
112 Ibid.; “Md. Teen Gets Life For Poisoning Friend,” Washington Post, 21 Jul. 2004,
113 Brian Livingston, “Monday marks 10th anniversary of Lockheed shootings,” Meridian Star, 7 Jul. 2013,
114 “Anatomy of a nightmare Tracing events of a tragic Tuesday,” Meridian Star, 13 Jul. 2003,
115 Steve Chawkins, Anna Gorman, “Police Kill Armed Teenager at High School,” Los Angeles Times, 11 Jan. 2001, me-11081; Tamara Koehler and Letisia Marquez, “Lack of help for mentally ill decried,” Ventura County Star, 13 Jan. 2001.116 Joann Loviglio, “‘Hero’ principal faces long recovery after machete attack,” Pocono Record, 4 Feb. 2001,
article/20010204/ news/302049997; “Machete wielder pleads guilty Stankewicz still blames his ex-wife and York County for his attack on children,” York Daily Record, 26 Sept. 2001, elementary-school/.
117 “Girl sentenced in school shooting – Elizabeth C. Bush – Brief Article,” National Catholic Reporter, 20 Apr. 2001, 1G1-73827824.html; Linda Vester, Douglas Kennedy, Steve Harrigan, “Fox on the Record with Greta Van Susteren,” Fox News, 25 Nov. 2002.
118 “Granite Hills gunman was seeing psychiatrist, attorney says,” Associated Press, 19 Apr. 2001.
119 Op. cit., Linda Vester, Douglas Kennedy, Steve Harrigan; Elizabeth Shogren, “FDA Probes Downside of Antidepressants,” Los Angeles Times, 21 Mar. 2004,
120 Sharon Moshavi, “Killings shake Japan’s sense of safety,” Boston Globe, 9 Jun. 2001,
121 “Cold killer's 20-mile trail leaves 5 dead,” The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, 29 Apr. 2000,; “Richard Scott
BAUMHAMMERS,” Murderpedia,
122 Mike Crissey, “Parents of Pa. Man sentenced to death in shooting spree say jury ignored mental illness,” San Diego Union Tribune, 1 Aug. 2001,
123 “More Details Emerge on Mass. Shootings,” ABC News, 29 Dec. 2000,; “Portrait of a killer,” TIME, 31 Dec. 2000,,9171,93313,00.html; Dave Wedge, Tom Farmer and Jose Martinez, “Source: Suspect was taking drugs for depression,” Boston Herald, 29 Dec. 2000,
124 Douglas Montero, “Killer Teens Had Prescription For Murder,” The New York Post, 10 May 1999,; Bob Unruh, “For Virginia Tech Rampage? Of School Shooting Sprees,” Whistleblower, Vol. 16, No. 7, July 2007, pg. 5,
125 “Teen accused of firing gun in school gets maximum sentence,” The Lewiston Tribune, 30 Sep. 1999,
126 Jodi Wilgoren, “Terror In Littleton: The Investigation,” The New York Times, 29 Apr. 1999,; Hon.
William H. Erickson, Chairman, “The Report of Governor Bill Owens’” Columbine Review Commission, May 2001, WEB.pdf; Sean Murphy, “Jury
selection for Underwood taking longer than expected,” News OK, 22 Feb. 2008,; Kelly Patricia O’Meara, “Prescription Drugs May Trigger Killing,” Insight On The News, 2 Sept. 2002; “School Gunman Was Seeing a Psychiatrist,” MSNBC, 28 Apr.1999.
127 John Cloud, “Just a Routine School Shooting,” TIME, 31 May 1999,; Lauren Foreman, “School shooter released from prison,” Atlantic Journal-Constitution, 26 Jul. 2016,
128 David Kupelian, “The giant, gaping hole in Sandy Hook reporting,” WND, 6 Jan. 2013, reporting/#Sx8Ax0KP67vs9sjM.99; Maxine Bernstein, “Oregon Court of Appeals a.irms Kip Kinkel's nearly 112-year sentence,” The Oregonian, 10 Feb. 2016,
129 “Teen guilty in Mississippi school-shooting rampage,” CNN, 12 Jun. 1998,; “Prescription antidepressant medications linked in most teen deaths and school shootings,” CNN iReport, 13 Jan. 2013,
130 Bob Unruh, “For Virginia Tech Rampage? Of School Shooting Sprees,” Whistleblower, Vol. 16, No. 7, Jul. 2007, pg. 5, 42434/; “Slain girls’ good-bye full of tears, faith,” CNN, 5 Dec. 1997,; “School shooter Michael Carneal recalls delusions,” WDRB, 6 Oct. 2010, 1/.
131 James R. Langford, “Teen's Life Full Of Contradictions – The 15-Year-Old Who Shot Two Teachers And Then Himself Hinted That He Would Not Be Alive Much Longer,” The Augusta Chronicle, 22 Oct. 1995, item=1568.
132 Letter from Stephen Leith submitted to the Food and Drug Administration, 22 Mar. 2000,; “In transition or tragedy, students get Chelsea High School principal's focus,”, 14 Apr. 2008,; Pat Shellenbarger, “1993 Chelsea school shooter on gun control: 'These are man-made e.orts to try to correct what can’t be corrected,’”, 11 Apr. 2013,
133 “Man Opens Fire in Houston School; 2 O.icers Shot,” Los Angeles Times, 19 Sept. 1992, school; Lisa Teachey and Ruth Piller, “Shooting suspect arraigned; 1 o.icer released from hospital,” Houston Chronicle, 20 Sept. 1992,
134 Op. cit., David Kupelian, “The giant, gaping hole in Sandy Hook reporting”; Robert McCoppin and Susan Berger, “25 years -- and a surge in school violence -- since Laurie Dann shootings,” Chicago Tribune, 19 May 2013,
135 “18 years on death row: Background of a killer,”, 1 Nov. 2006,; Bob Unruh, “Virginia Tech Massacre Are Meds to Blame for Cho’s rampage?” WND, 23 Apr. 2007.
136 David Kupelian, “Media ignoring 1 crucial factor in Florida school shooting,” WND, 15 Feb. 2018, factor-in-florida-school-shooting/; Hector Tobar, “Sales of Weapon Used in Carnage Reportedly Increasing,” Los Angeles Times, 22 Jan. 1989.


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